Himalayan salt lamps are organic, distinctive, and lovely, but they also need upkeep to remain in good shape. Following are some suggestions for maintaining your Himalayan salt lamp:

Keep it dry since Himalayan salt crystals, which are used to make the lamps, can collect moisture from the air. Keep your lamp dry and away from humidifiers or other sources of moisture to avoid it from getting too wet.

Regular cleaning is necessary because dust and other material can build up on your salt lamp. To remove any dirt or dust, use a soft cloth or brush.

Use a light with low wattage: Himalayan salt lamps are designed to be used with low-wattage bulbs, often 15 watts or less. A higher wattage bulb can make the salt excessively hot and harm the lamp if used.

Regularly turning it on will help you get the most use out of your Himalayan salt lamp. This will help to purify the air in your home by releasing negative ions into the atmosphere.

You can make sure that your Himalayan salt lamp remains in good condition and keeps giving you all of its advantages for years to come by adhering to these straightforward suggestions.